Monday, November 13, 2017

Difference between speed And Velocity

Speed is scalar quantity and Velocity is a vector – velocity has both speed and direction.
Speed is expressed as distance moved (d) per unit of time(t). Speed is measured in the same physical units of measurement as velocity, but does not contain an element of direction. Speed is thus the magnitude component of velocity.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Modern Power Grid

This is The modern Electrical Technology see Video and acquire Knowledge.

What is MIM? {Metal Injection Molding }

Metal injection molding (MIM) is a metalworking process in which finely-powdered metal is mixed with binder material to create a "feedstock" that is then shaped and solidified using injection molding. The molding process allows high volume, complex parts to be shaped in a single step. After molding, the part undergoes conditioning operations to remove the binder (debinding) and densify the powders. Finished products are small components used in many industries and applications.

Under Water Welding-- The Grate Mechanical Achievement

Underwater welding is performed while the welder is submerged, often at elevated barometric pressures.  This introduces a variety of challenges that require specialized skills and training that are taught at CDA Technical Institute (formerly Commercial Diving Academy).  Because of the adverse conditions and inherent dangers associated with underwater welding (also known as wet welding) divers must be trained to an exceptionally rigorous standard with highly specialized instruction.

Wet Welding

Welding underwater can be achieved by two methods: wet welding & dry welding. Wet welding entails the diver to perform the weld directly in the water. It involves using a specially designed welding rod, and employs a similar process used in ordinary welding. Here are advantages to wet welding:

Cheap and fast
high tensile strength
ease of access to weld spot
no habitat
no construction

Dry Welding / Hyperbaric Welding

Another method of welding underwater is hyperbaric welding or dry welding. Hyperbaric welding is the process by which a chamber is sealed around the structure that is to be welded. It is then filled with a gas (typically mixture of helium and oxygen, or argon), which then forces the water outside of the hyperbaric sphere. This allows for a dry environment in which to perform the weld. Here are some advantages to dry welding:

welder / diver safety
higher weld quality
surface monitoring
non-destructive testing

Bridge Binder Machine {New Civil engineering Technology}

                  Bridge Binder Machine
       It is a modern Civil Engineering Technology in which used the heavy Brij Binder machine used to build the bridge it is a very large equipment which is used in foreign countries and this technology is very useful for new generations.

For More details Must see Video